January 12, 2024

Beside Still Waters: At the end of the onslaught

Therese Apel

"Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me..." Photo by Alexa Portoraro on Unsplash

“Then my head will be exalted
    above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
    I will sing and make music to the Lord.” – Psalm 27:6

There have been times in my life that I have wondered how the bad guys are winning. I have seen situation after situation where a swarm of ill will — if not evil — has overtaken someone I know to be good and honest. Like we’ve talked about, the internet makes that so much more possible than it ever was (worth mentioning here that in Ephesians 2:2, Paul calls Satan “The Prince of the Power of the Air,” and what more could that mean than the various forms of media that rule our world today?).

Have you ever felt like you were the subject of one of those attacks? We’ve talked about how God has promised to protect us during the attack, but now let’s talk about this promise and look at it from all sides.

God’s promise here is that our heads will be exalted. Just like in Psalm 23, He will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. There will be all kinds of gnashing of teeth over your success after it looked like you didn’t have a chance against the onslaught of Satan’s forces that have come at you.

And notice what we’re supposed to do next: Praise God. Before the party, before the high fives, before anything else, go to His sacred tent and make sacrifices, sing and make music. And frankly, I don’t think that part should stop, ever. When you realize the great love and protection and planning God has for you, how do you not rejoice eternally?

Now let’s look at it from the other side: If you are the swarms. If you are leading the charge (or blindly following it) against one of God’s own, KNOW THIS.

Your efforts are in vain. Even if you get that person canceled. Even if it looks like you have succeeded in silencing them. Even if you have ruined their life, as far as you know. God has promised that they will be exalted in front of you and over you. YOUR DAY IS COMING.

Just like the crowd that chanted, “Give us Barabbas!”

And if it feels like I’m talking to you, I might be. You might need to get on your face and have a real talk with the God of the Universe before the onslaught comes for you.

God is very real in spite of the fact that you think you can’t see Him. His promises are true. He doesn’t move on our time, but when He moves, all of creation hears Him.

Sing and make music when they’re bringing war to your door, because God has your back. ❤️

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