November 27, 2023

Kitten Found Abandoned In Crate At Jackson Apartment Dumpster

Morgan Howard

A kitten almost had a tragic fate after she was left in a small crate by the dumpster at an apartment in Jackson.
The crate was filled with fecal matter, indicating that the kitten had been trapped inside for some time. She also could not stand up properly due to being neglected.
A woman taking out her trash noticed the small crate and kitten sitting on the ground next to the trash.
Animal Rescue Fund took the kitten and immediately got her to the vet to be evaluated.
She could not stand properly due to living in a crate with no place to walk or move around. She also had a prolapsed rectum, which could have been a result of having no access to a litter box, according to ARF.
This sweet baby is only 10 weeks old.
ARF said,
“How someone could relegate a baby to this life is beyond us, but we intend to make their life from here forward better than how it started.”
The kitten will definitely have a long road ahead of her medically, but she will receive all of the care she needs.
If you want to donate to ARF, you can donate through Venmo at @ARFMS or Paypal at You can donate via USPS by sending cash or a check to ARF of MS at 395 West Mayes Street, Jackson MS 39213.

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