November 2, 2022

Dogs Dumped In Crate In Terrible Condition Outside Of Jackson Animal Rescue

Morgan Howard

Source: ARF
“One of the most disheartening ways to start the day is to drive up to the building and see a crate sitting in the driveway with scared animals sitting there.”
A post by Animal Rescue Fund in Jackson started with this sad sentence. This all too familiar sight is heartbreaking despite how many times shelter director, Pippa Jackson has seen it.
Two small dogs were dumped off at some point in the night outside of the shelter.
They were housed in a filthy crate, the dogs bodies are covered in wounds, fleas, and filth. Both babies were trembling as rescue workers rushed to help them.
Thankfully Animal Rescue Fund has these two dogs safely in their care and will get them vetted, checked for heartworms and parasites, treated however they may need, and on the road to recovery.
The shelter said,
“I know we ask frequently, but in a world of discarded animals like some people discard yesterday’s newspaper, we simply must ask. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation for the care of these girls and the multitudes of others who find their way under our umbrella.”
To donate, you can click the blue DONATE button on the Facebook post, or their PayPal address is or you can also donate through the USPS to ARF of MS at 395 West Mayes Street Jackson MS 39213.

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