September 5, 2024

802 Pound Alligator Caught During First Weekend Of Alligator Season

Morgan Howard

Source: MS. Dept. of Wildlife Fisheries
Source: MS. Dept. of Wildlife Fisheries

The opening weekend of the 2024 Alligator Season ended up with an impressive 802-pound catch.

Hunters across the state hit the waters.

Among them was Megan Sasser, who harvested an enormous alligator measuring 14 feet long with a belly girth of 65.5 inches and a tail girth of 47 inches.

The gator weighed in at 802 pounds.

Source: MS. Dept. of Wildlife Fisheries
Source: MS. Dept. of Wildlife Fisheries

While it didn’t quite break last year’s record, Sasser’s catch was close.

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